
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Heaven is for Real

I just finished a book called Heaven is for Real! It's a book about a four year old boy named Colton that gets very ill. The people at the hospital didn't think he would make it. Sandra and Todd Burpo, Colton's parents prayed while seeing their little boy suffer. Their Church got together and prayed for Colton to heal and, after a couple days of extreme sickness, he miraculously got better. As they were heading home, Colton started talking about being with Jesus. His parents didn't understand because Colton hadn't died. Months pass and Colton starts getting into detail about Heaven and the things in it. The facts he says about Jesus and Heaven are all true (referenced in the Bible). They realize later that Colton went to Heaven for three minutes and then came back. This book was amazing and it really made me believe more in Heaven. It's extraordinary how things Colton said match up with the Bible! Wow, Heaven must really be for real!

1 comment:

  1. It'll be interesting to talk with Colton in 20 years and see how his experience effected the course of his life, won't it?
